
I’m willing to stretch beyond my comfort zone and expand. Are you? 

Being a business owner and wearing all the hats that come along with that, such as teacher, trainer, mentor, friend, community leader, and boss, comes with a constant and daily lesson in humility and grace (and sometimes that means finding grace where there is none).

I find myself on a daily walk of expansion. Expansion of self, how can I do better, how can I be better, what has THIS day taught me, where do I step next, how do I step ... the daily walk of EXPANSION that we all face in our individual lives may look different, but it comes with many of the same doubts, fears and ultimately hope.

Webster’s Dictionary defines expand as 1. to open up : UNFOLD and 2. to increase the extent, number, volume, or scope of: ENLARGE. 

For me, expanding means pushing limits, stretching limits, growing and goal setting.

Growth happens outside of your comfort zone.

Alongside this also comes fear of failure. As a business owner, I’m constantly asking myself where we need to grow, what needs aren’t being met in our community that we can reach? I’m asking myself if we can take on another class, another workshop, another … program. 

When one chooses to expand, we must also ask ourselves WHY? What’s the GOAL? What’s the desired outcome and is it SUSTAINABLE?

Personally, expansion is a way to know I’m alive, and that I’m evolving and growing as a human. I’m testing my limits of what I’m capable of. It’s the constant quest of doing the thing that is just outside of my reach.

 Tell me it’s going to be hard.

Tell me no one has done it.

Tell me you don’t think I can do it, and every hair on my body stands up in rebellion as I show you I can. 

But as I get older, I have discovered “WISE WANTING”. I know that I can do it, BUT, I know with that wanting comes more responsibility and then the question becomes do I want that responsibility? Can I handle one more brick on the preverbal plate I carry? Or, will this be the brick that tips me over?

Expansion of any kind – big or small – can be scary!

Launching a new business comes with fear that sits right beside the excitement and possibility … What if it doesn’t work, what if I fail, what if it reflects poorly on my core business? What if my vision doesn’t translate? What if I don’t make any money, lose money, or worse …. lose everything?

So …. why take the risk? Why risk losing everything? I’m taking the risk because there is a NEED… here’s an opportunity to provide the community with what it needs, expand the Inspired Fitness brand and by doing do, help people achieve optimal health through fitness and nutrition. 

I’m launching Inspired JUICE …. because I’m willing to expand. I’m willing to take on more responsibility because I’m more invested in the amazingness that’s possible for our community rather than settle into the fear and not grow at all. 

I’m willing to stretch beyond my comfort zone. Are you ready to expand?

If not now…When?

Jennifer Fujii
Inspired Fitness Training Center, Founder & Owner

suzanne sarto