Embrace 2021 with Sadhana
“Let what comes come
Let what goes go
And find out what remains.”
For so many of us, 2020 has been a year like no other in our lifetime. As COVID sweeps through communities around the world, our generation has never faced anything like this before and continues to be paralyzed by its impact.
At the end of every year, I ask people “what will you take with you in the New Year”? This year, people have said “nothing”. Most people don’t want to take anything from 2020 into 2021 with them.
While many of you have sacrificed significantly, been uprooted from traditions, schedules and celebrations, and lost jobs, homes and loved ones, there’s something you will take with you into 2021.
Whether you like it, love it, grew from it, hated it or were stunted in place from it, embrace what you have. We take something from one year to the next, and it’s up to you what you take into the New Year.
Held in place, we have the opportunity to choose whether we slide into fear, judgement, and conspiracies; or whether we sit in the fierce fire of the unknown and burn away what is not real, what is no longer, what is holding us back from our true never-changing natures.
For most of us, any sense of control we thought we had has fallen away. Our patterns of placing value on our achievements — on what we have now or our future plans — no longer serves us as we live in a space that feels like ash dissolving beneath our feet.
How do we ground and where do we find hope?
Hope is a human need offering a sense of purpose and motivation. Hope allows us to see the potential for good and for a positive action that can make a difference no matter how grand or small.
How do we be engaged in the present moment and remain hopeful?
Time and time again, those around me find optimism during this time through a connection to nature, breath, presence, love and a sense of gratitude — and focusing on what they have rather than what they don’t have or can’t control.
Knowing that we have inside of us — in each and every breath — helps restore a sense of hope.
Releying on what IS — not HOPING for something different —will get us through challenges and allow for transformation and growth along the way.
To help me get through challenging times, I embrace of the daily spiritual practice of Sadhana.
Sadhana stokes the fire that supports burning through old belief structures, habits, patterns and addictions and creates the container for living the practices of yoga — both on and OFF the mat.
Explained simply, Sadana is DOING:
• It’s the ACTION of connecting where and with who you can.
• It’s the loving when love is present.
• It’s the small, incremental daily changes that make movement forward possible in what seems to be a time we are paralyzed — from fear, from poverty, from loneliness, from sadness — from things that have been taken away from us.
Do not hope things will change.
Do not hope things will return to what was and is gone.
Do not sit.
Do not lie down.
While COVID has divided and isolated, the INSPIRED community can help unite and connect.
Inspired Fitness can help you establish a new practice where you can play with, struggle against and deeply immerse yourself in the NOW, so when you arrive in the future, you will find your foundations stronger and not be ash in the wind.
Embrace 2021 with Sadhana and let the fire burn inside of you.
If not now…When?
Jennifer Fujii
Inspired Fitness Training Center, Founder & Owner