Finding Your True North

…I’ve learned that loving yourself requires a courage unlike any other. It requires us to believe in and stay loyal to something no one else can see that keeps us in the world–our own self-worth…
— Mark Nepo
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Love is a verb. An action. What will you do this month to love yourself and continue to build your foundation, your true north?

In the land of Hallmark, February is the month of love. However, in the hallmark moments of our everyday lives, February is the last and coldest month of winter. As we hold onto the hope of spring fast approaching, usurping the grinding darkness and cold that is February, the questions remains, “how we do set ourselves up to leap into spring, and love ourselves?”

 In yoga, I often refer to your “true north.” The true north of YOUR body is stacking joint over joint all four corners of your feet on the earth and moving through your practice, pose by pose, in the proper alignment, in the “true north” that works for YOUR body. How Warrior Two shows up in my body is not the same for you and vice versa. But often, our drishti (what you’re looking at/focused on) is on the person next to us, in front of us, behind opposed to turning our attention inward. Figuring out our true north is about moving within our world, a world that can so often be completely out of balance, with alignment and grace.

 At Inspired Fitness, our true north is the four pillars that make Inspired home. Our first pillar is made up of strength and conditioning classes like Bootcamp, TRX, P90x, Spin and SpinCombo classes. Whatever level you are at in your current fitness, these classes offer you the opportunity to become stronger, to build a foundation that will carry you through the seasonal changes of your health and fitness needs.

 Our Inspired Pilates pillar is made up of mat classes, like Barre and Hot Inferno, along with the recent addition of our Reformer and Springboard equipment based classes. In Pilates your true north is built from the inside out with low impact fun and challenging classes for all levels.

 We round out our four pillars with Inspired Yoga and Personal training. Personal training will refine the edges of your true north with one on one focus. And in yoga you will fill your heart and spirit in our classes, workshops and special monthly events like Rock-n-Roll and Sound Healing & Nidra. This month also brings our quarterly YOGA BASICS workshop which focuses on honing proper alignment in familiar poses.

 Whether you practice yoga or not, the alignment in our daily life and decision making is often thrown off from what we need to stay balanced, what we need to reach our goals and what we need to be grounded. Finding  true north requires prioritizing so what's important to our path doesn’t get lost in the chaos.

 How can we make it easier to make true north decisions for ourselves? First, we have to remember that we have choices. It’s all too easy to see the world as binary, all or nothing, right or wrong.


 It’s ok to say, “No.”

It’s ok to take time for yourself.

It’s ok to go left when everyone else is going right.

It’s ok not to get it right the first time or the tenth.

It’s ok to treat yourself with the same kindness as you give to others.

We look forward to helping you keep your drishti on your larger goal and helping you find, grow and build your truth north of full rounded health and wellness with all that is happening at Inspired not just this month, but all year round.

Jennifer Fujii
Inspired Fitness Training Center, Founder & Owner