April brings showers and May brings flowers…

May we never forget the crippled, wind-beaten trees, how they, too, bud, green and bloom. May we, too, take courage to bloom where we are planted.

This April definitely brought showers. Sometimes I think about this past April, and wonder, what IS blooming from all of this, and what WILL grow from all of this?

I believe that resiliency, community and a rising up from what has been torn down into what now stands in place will grow from all of this. Ultimately, it’s a deep courage that is blooming in all of us right now.

As a business, we are forced to evolve our ways of connecting with our community. We are challenged to rise to the call of staying fit, strong and moving forward even during a time where how we move forward feels and looks foreign. This takes courage.

While many business owners are worried right now, I think about when I first started Inspired Fitness and it gives me hope. We started with one outside Bootcamp class and had a vision to build a bigger Inspired Community coming together.

Once you walked through our doors, everyone was linked together by a common thread to move forward, work for a better version of themselves, and reach their personal goals. This common thread brought us together in our separateness.

I remember drawing the Inspired Fitness logo over breakfast one morning. Grabbing a napkin and sketching out the people, I envisioned a logo that had different people and different body types to represent all shapes, sizes, and walks of life.

It takes courage to walk through gym doors.
It takes courage to break out of your comfort zone and do something different.
It takes courage to go down a path that may look foreign but will ultimately get you where you want to go.

And now, more than ever, we are linking arms to get to where we all want to go, even if it looks new. We WILL bloom where we are planted.

I am deeply committed to Inspired Fitness continuing to offer health and wellness on the platforms that are currently available to us. And, we will be ready to open our doors to you when we are allowed. Have you thought about how you will re-enter the doors at Inspired Fitness once the quarantine is lifted?

Whether it’s your first workout since the quarantine started or you’re joining our Virtual Classes via Zoom, we are ready for you.

As humans, we are being asked to have courage to do things differently right now:

To let go and let in;
To evolve in the face of change; and
To rise up.

Resilience is letting go of what we thought things should look like, and stepping into what IS.

We are in this together!

With grace, gratitude and a deep appreciation for our Inspired Community,
Jennifer Fujii
Inspired Fitness Training Center, Founder & Owner

2020, Maysuzanne sarto2020, May